Charity Auctions
Scerri Auctions is an active community member. No-one is an island, and we all go through difficult times at one stage or another. As such, we are happy to donate time and energy for charity auctions that benefit people in need.
Life Changing Experience Foundation
Recently we donated services to the Life Changing Experience Foundation, and helped raise over $100,000 for their Sister2Sister program. The program provides one-on-one mentoring and educational programs for teenage girls in need of a positive female role model. They are doing some great work.
If you would like help raising funds for your community-based organisation or program, please get in contact with us and we’ll see what we can do.
Masada College
A huge thanks to Scerri Auctions for conducting a live auction on behalf of our College to help raise funds for our Duke of Edinburgh students heading to the Northern Territory. Auctioneer, Craig Robinson, was superb in setting a fun and lively vibe at our event. We are incredibly grateful for the Scerri Auction’s generosity.
– Jacqui Wong
Eddie’s Big Night Out Silver Lining Ball – St Edmunds College
What a pleasure and honour it was to be invited to call the charity Auction for St Edmunds College Special Needs School Wahroonga. Craig Robinson was able to assist the event and in return be part of raising much needed funds.
The $115,000 I helped raise will go towards educational resources and learning activities.